I’m Not a Prince(ss) and This Isn’t a Fairytale (2022)

Performance installation
In front of Copenhagen Contemporary
Refshalevej 178, Copenhagen (DK)
Duration: 30 min
Materials: Classical pianist, piano, costumes, red carpet, bow and arrows, pig heart, wax, hobs, bridal bouquet, roses, juicing machine, five-armed candlestick, candles, cocktail glasses, water, prosecco, wires, table, moving boxes.

Design, script and concept: Nicolai Risbjerg
In collaboration with pianist: Jens Riemer
Curated by: Christine Due Jacobsen
Photos by: Therese Lærke, Christine Due and Daniel Larsson.

The exhibition, “The Love Affair at Reffen”, is featuring:
Vibe Kilde, Brynhildr, Nicolai Risbjerg, Mette Bjørndal Velling and Simon Sebastian Laumann.

The exhibition is supported by:
Christianhavns Lokaludvalg, Herlev Bryghus and Snabslanten
