Playtime (2022)
Sydhavn Station, Copenhagen (DK)
Materials: 15 printet poster, 80 x 120 cm
Press: (In Danish)
Press release, December 2022
”The last exhibition of the year at the Sydhavn Station is entitled Playtime and is the first of our new station member Nicolai Risbjerg. It consists of 15 posters created in collaboration with an artificial intelligence (AI), which is a robot that creates images from text through an algorithm.
The algorithm is created on the basis of computer analyzes of images uploaded on the Internet. Together with this AI, a fictional world has been created that remotely resembles landscapes with people, horses, warriors and other creatures. If we look closer, we discover that what look like recognizable creatures from a distance are abstract and amorphous. Imitation body parts are rocks, branches and abstract shapes.
Has the AI managed to awaken our imagination and imagination, or does it itself have the imagination and ability to imagine that abstract amorphous forms are recognizable creatures?
If a child claims to be a flying unicorn on the moon, we smile and think it's nice that they have a vivid imagination, but if our adult colleague or friend claims the same thing, we ask if they've hit their head or gone crazy. But perhaps as adults we should give more space to the imagination and fictional, alternative worlds?
Humans would never have invented submarines, 3d printers, airplanes, self-driving cars or wind turbines if no one had imagined a future world where we could transport ourselves underwater, print anything, fly to the farthest parts of the world or create a sustainable world.
Nicolai Risbjerg (b. 1994) is a sculptor and performance artist, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Bergen in 2020. He works with questions related to love, identity, gender, sexuality and childhood nostalgia.”
Opening event:
Friday 16th December, at 17h-21h.
Exhibition period:
December 16th, 2022 - January 4, 2023.
Opening hours:
The exhibition can be viewed 24h.
The exhibition is supported by the Ny Carlsberg Foundation.