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The New Districts (2018)

Danish Cultural Institute in Beijing, 798 Art District, Beijing (CN)
Performance installation
Duration: 150 min

In collaboration with:
Ceresbyen 1A, the artist collective VESTAS (M. B. Pedersen, Villiam Miklos Andersen, Nicolai Risbjerg & Erik Hjorth)

Concept & design: The artist collective VESTAS
Materials: Chalk, paper, printer, plaster, cikade, buckets, costumes, recorded sounds

Sponsors: University of Bergen, Institute of Contemporary Art

Press release:  

VESTAS warming the whole world
VESTAS provides excellent service
VESTAS provides free items
VESTAS will sing you a song
VESTAS is willing to give you memories of the journey
Hope we are forever friends

The Danish Cultural Centre invites you to watch and interact with the artist group VESTAS from Denmark.

2.30 pm - 5 pm, August 20th, 2018
Danish Cultural Center, 798 International Arts District, 706 Beiyi Jie, 2 Jiuxianqiao Lu, Chaoyang Qu, Beijing 100025
Free entrance

In what degree are we navigating our own path? In an open performance Danish Cultural Center invites the audience to observe and interact with the Danish artist collective VESTAS. The venue will be made into 4 districts within each an artist will perform. One re-sculpturing Chinese objects, another implementing everyday Chinese market objects in an installation, a third doing a performance on navigating and finding the right path, a fourth digitally transforming tourist photos from the collective’s journey through Northern China. All artists are tourist consumers of objects they brought back from their Northern Chinese journey, all objects with a foreign symbolic value to them. But how do you make meaningful plays on foreign cultural objects, and where does the border go between curators, creators, and spectators?

VESTAS is an artist collective interested in the encounter between the rational and subconscious, and the unexpected symbolic values created when working cross- culturally. The collective consists of Erik Hjorth (b. 1995), Nicolai Risbjerg (b. 1994), M.B. Pedersen (b. 1991) & Villiam Miklos Andersen (b. 1995).

VESTAS is initiated by the artist driven exhibition platform Ceresbyen 1A as part of the project “The New Districts”.

互动演出 | 敢问路在何方?

时间:8月20日 周一 14:30 - 17:00
地点:丹麦文化中心 798艺术区706北一街
参与:免费参与 无需预约



VESTAS是一个艺术家群体,他们的创作兴趣在于理性与潜意识之间的互动和跨文化工作时产生意想不到的象征价值。 2016年,他们完成了“奥德赛 - 7天过境” 项目,在欧洲机场的过境区域举办了快闪展览。这个艺术家群体是由Erik Hjorth(生于1995年),Nicolai Risbjerg(生于1994年),M.B. Pedersen(生于1991年)和Villiam Miklos Andersen(生于1995年)组成的。